Clothes and shoes have taken over my life. I am victim to an extreme shopping addiction and I love it. Okay, so perhaps it is a tad bit dramatic to say it is an extreme addiction. However I am positive I have more clothes than most people should. I can’t count how many times a friend or relative has walked into my room and announced, “You can open up a store with the amount of clothes you have” or just stopped at “Oh my God.”  Shopping has been one of my favorite hobbies since I have been able to dress myself. There are too many reasons to define my persistent need to shop.

A simple change of clothes can become a drastic transformation of a person’s attitude and appearance. I find it completely appropriate to say that something as superficial as clothes can do something either beneficial or damaging to a person. Style can modify a countless mass of a person’s demeanor. Shopping has a therapeutic affect on people as well, which is something I swear by. It’s almost scary how happy shopping makes me feel. When I’m feeling sad or even when I am really mad or upset I turn to retail therapy to make myself feel better.  I believe that shopping undoubtedly creates an environment in my head that make me think and process things clearly. There are many times that I have been mad at myself, my boyfriend, annoyed of everyone and have just went shopping by myself or even online and came out with knowing why I was mad and already calmed down and over whatever had upset me. Obviously it is not a process for those who hate shopping but I would recommend it to anyone.

I believe judging people by what they wear is completely wrong and almost evil but it is something that I believe that everyone does. I do not assume it is only people who believe they are well dressed that judge by looks but it is everyone. I have been around people who wear ripped pants and dirty t-shirts who judge people they do not even know because they dress a certain way. I myself have never stuck to one style of clothes just because I never have felt I should limit myself to any one thing. Because of this I have seen judgment from almost every angle.

While working at a shoe store I have seen first hand how employers judge whom they want to hire on how they are dressed. A young girl walked into the store once asking if our store was hiring, my manager took one look at the girl wearing no make-up, a white tank top and unfitted jeans and said, “I’m sorry but we are fully staffed right now.” Another co-worker joked about it in the backroom saying, “Yeah we’re hiring but not you.” As harsh and cruel as it was I could understand why the store known for its impressive style would not hire someone dressed like that. This is also one of the many reasons I would never want to keep myself from being well dressed or fully stocked with clothes. 

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    April 2013

